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*Grid drawing module:

I suspect this component is inefficient but it works and I can understand it so it will have to do for now. The main gameboard is a 9x9 grid. Beside the grid there are instruction prompts while above and below the grid there is ship data that is drawn in the main-loop component.

*x/y position class:

def drawMap(x, y, ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy, ex, ey, fx, fy):

    shipx = x
    shipy = y

    class Grid:
        def __init__(self, x, y):
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
        def d(self):
            if shipx == self.x and shipy == self.y: 
                return "@"
            elif ax == self.x and ay == self.y or ax == self.x and ay == self.y or 
            ax == self.x and ay == self.y or ax == self.x and ay == self or 
            ax == self.x and ay == self.y or ax == self.x and ay == self.y:
                return "*"
                return " "

The entire module is contained within the drawMap() function. When calling this function from the main file the x and y positions of the ship from the main file are passed through to the shipx and shipy variables, followed by x and y values for up to 6 objects, labled a to f.

The 'd' (standing for draw) method determines the character that will be printed for the grid position. If the x/y variables for the ship equal that of the class instance, '@' is returned. If the instance x/y equal those of an object, '*' is returned. Otherwise a blank space is returned. Thus, whenever the Grid.d method is called, the class will check for changes before returning a character.

*Assigning class instances:

    #row 1
    a1 = Grid(1, 1)
    a2 = Grid(1, 2)
    a3 = Grid(1, 3)
    a4 = Grid(1, 4)
    a5 = Grid(1, 5)
    a6 = Grid(1, 6)
    a7 = Grid(1, 7)
    a8 = Grid(1, 8)
    a9 = Grid(1, 9)

    #row 2
    b1 = Grid(2, 1)
    b2 = Grid(2, 2)
    b3 = Grid(2, 3)
    b4 = Grid(2, 4)
    b5 = Grid(2, 5)
    b6 = Grid(2, 6)
    b7 = Grid(2, 7)
    b8 = Grid(2, 8)
    b9 = Grid(2, 9)

    #row 3
    c1 = Grid(3, 1)
    c2 = Grid(3, 2)
    c3 = Grid(3, 3)
    c4 = Grid(3, 4)
    c5 = Grid(3, 5)
    c6 = Grid(3, 6)
    c7 = Grid(3, 7)
    c8 = Grid(3, 8)
    c9 = Grid(3, 9)

    #row 4
    d1 = Grid(4, 1)
    d2 = Grid(4, 2)
    d3 = Grid(4, 3)
    d4 = Grid(4, 4)
    d5 = Grid(4, 5)
    d6 = Grid(4, 6)
    d7 = Grid(4, 7)
    d8 = Grid(4, 8)
    d9 = Grid(4, 9)

    #row 5
    e1 = Grid(5, 1)
    e2 = Grid(5, 2)
    e3 = Grid(5, 3)
    e4 = Grid(5, 4)
    e5 = Grid(5, 5)
    e6 = Grid(5, 6)
    e7 = Grid(5, 7)
    e8 = Grid(5, 8)
    e9 = Grid(5, 9)

    #row 6
    f1 = Grid(6, 1)
    f2 = Grid(6, 2)
    f3 = Grid(6, 3)
    f4 = Grid(6, 4)
    f5 = Grid(6, 5)
    f6 = Grid(6, 6)
    f7 = Grid(6, 7)
    f8 = Grid(6, 8)
    f9 = Grid(6, 9)

    #row 7
    g1 = Grid(7, 1)
    g2 = Grid(7, 2)
    g3 = Grid(7, 3)
    g4 = Grid(7, 4)
    g5 = Grid(7, 5)
    g6 = Grid(7, 6)
    g7 = Grid(7, 7)
    g8 = Grid(7, 8)
    g9 = Grid(7, 9)

    #row 8
    h1 = Grid(8, 1)
    h2 = Grid(8, 2)
    h3 = Grid(8, 3)
    h4 = Grid(8, 4)
    h5 = Grid(8, 5)
    h6 = Grid(8, 6)
    h7 = Grid(8, 7)
    h8 = Grid(8, 8)
    h9 = Grid(8, 9)

    #row 9
    i1 = Grid(9, 1)
    i2 = Grid(9, 2)
    i3 = Grid(9, 3)
    i4 = Grid(9, 4)
    i5 = Grid(9, 5)
    i6 = Grid(9, 6)
    i7 = Grid(9, 7)
    i8 = Grid(9, 8)
    i9 = Grid(9, 9)

The largest downside with this system is that I had to define all 81 x/y positions on the gameboard. There is probably a way to reduce the bulk of this code but I haven't found it.

As you can see, this adds around 100 lines to the file, so I will be looking into alternative solutions.

*Drawing the screen:

  print("|" + a9.d() + b9.d() + c9.d() + d9.d() + e9.d() + f9.d() + g9.d() + h9.d() + i9.d() + "|"
                   "  [1] Raise/Lower Shields")
  print("|" + a8.d() + b8.d() + c8.d() + d8.d() + e8.d() + f8.d() + g8.d() + h8.d() + i8.d() + "|"
                   "  [2] Raise/Lower Alert")
  print("|" + a7.d() + b7.d() + c7.d() + d7.d() + e7.d() + f7.d() + g7.d() + h7.d() + i7.d() + "|"
                   "  [3] Investigate Area")
  print("|" + a6.d() + b6.d() + c6.d() + d6.d() + e6.d() + f6.d() + g6.d() + h6.d() + i6.d() + "|"
                   "  [4] Ship Diagnostic")
  print("|" + a5.d() + b5.d() + c5.d() + d5.d() + e5.d() + f5.d() + g5.d() + h5.d() + i5.d() + "|"
                   "  [5] Senior Staff")
  print("|" + a4.d() + b4.d() + c4.d() + d4.d() + e4.d() + f4.d() + g4.d() + h4.d() + i4.d() + "|"
                 + "  [6] Crew Roster")
  print("|" + a3.d() + b3.d() + c3.d() + d3.d() + e3.d() + f3.d() + g3.d() + h3.d() + i3.d() + "|"
                 + "  [7] Access Databank")
  print("|" + a2.d() + b2.d() + c2.d() + d2.d() + e2.d() + f2.d() + g2.d() + h2.d() + i2.d() + "|"
                 + "         [W][S]")
  print("|" + a1.d() + b1.d() + c1.d() + d1.d() + e1.d() + f1.d() + g1.d() + h1.d() + i1.d() + "|"
                 + " [A] <--- ^  |")
  print("+---------+ [D] ---> |  v")

Each class instance is printed in its indicated position. After each of the nine positions of each row, instructional prompts are printed.